Morning Toggling Thoughts


Morning Toggling Thoughts
Scary thing about life
wherein it looks that what your
thoughts are
depend where you going
and what you’re doing

YouR morals
The things you hold on the
or the desires that you follow
The steps that you take forward
or the steps you like to hold back again

livingplaces, where you got taken care for
or where you can walk home from after every drink or night out
After set it up, being, probably, sensitive to the changes
the other part seems more attractive

So with that,
that was exactly the point
to step back from where I lived
to even see more of its beauty

I will and do will remember
to drop by in the weekends
Sunny days, beautiful garden
beautiful views, the sun and lights that has its/his impact on everything that grows

Yea, lord, 6th dimension (write that down
as a note to check it out),
…don’t forget me
even for the funny roads
I sometimes take

Yesterday’s specials
I’ve said it, said so in my thoughts
having, doing sexual
is not that bad, if only
the risk of bad attempts of your
partner gets bigger after being married
Or of you…


Thats mostly also
comes from being scared for the future

i did read the bible about that part
wherein you shouldn’t look to a women in a certain way
Don’t take this as your free letter

#tensions that Im running with
#visions that I clarify trough living and experienting (experience) 
# I remeber not ending up alone
#though Im not even fourty

May 22nd, 2016
written on a sunday
laying on a bed-coach

after one week Bulgaria, spa, relaxing (looking),
poetry circle poem/words of taku about fourty, windsuring+shower (break trough about s thoughts), fathers birthday bbq, mothership party,

Op Commando


Op Commando

Op commando, de dingen die ik doe/
Ik ben nog steeds best wel cool met de dingen die ik doe/
Zometeen ben ik weer jarig, wie of wat ben ik geworden?/
Tevreden. Met wie ik ben, met wat ik doe/

Vooral met dingen in de loop,/
noem het: ”dingen in de opbouw”/
– een toren met m’n leven bouwen -/
Yea, door mij een cliché/

En wat een geklooi: minuten en seconden:/
telkens bewuster met wat ik doe/
telkens bewuster met wat ik kan/
en telkens bewuster met de zelfkracht – geloof in jezelf -/

Dúrven dromen en fantaseren/
Te durven dromen en fantaseren/
Hoofd leeg, concepten bouwen/
Het laatste idee is het beste/

Daarvan uitgaan en doortimmeren/
Klaar voor ontsteking/
Een vlammetje erbij en bam!/
– overal mogelijk productief op commando -/

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